Our Mission

The Mission of the District is to enhance, improve and protect the quality of life in the community through the maintenance and improvement of parks, and the organization and administration of Recreation Programs. The District will contribute to the health, enjoyment and thriving satisfaction of the people and to the safety, cleanliness and beauty of the environment, its flora and fauna. The District will acquire and preserve natural open space; will develop and maintain park land; and will provide recreational, cultural and educational opportunities to its constituents. The District will acquire and preserve natural open space; will develop and maintain park land; and will provide recreational, cultural and educational opportunities to its constituents.

As a public entity, the District will encourage public participation in its functions. The resources and activities of the District shall be for the overall benefit of all Isla Vista residents. No individual or group will be discriminated against for reasons of race, sex, age, color, national origin, place of birth, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, opinions, citizenship (as legally allowed), or personal appearance.

The District shall be guided by the theme of respect for the natural environment, and the theme of human cooperation, including cooperation with other agencies. The objective of the District is to establish a system of parks that provides for and serves public needs. In addition to maintaining parks, the District shall, within its resources, provide a full and varying range of recreational and cultural activities for all residents of Isla Vista. Whenever possible, the District will coordinate with other agencies to maximize the services offered to its constituents, and to maximize efficiency in maintaining and improving parks.

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