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What is Adopt-A-Block?

Isla Vista is a densely populated beachside community that generates large amounts of street waste. An overabundance of cars and lack of parking render street sweeping ineffective and contributes to a large buildup of trash and litter on local sidewalks, curbs, and gutters. Without proper management, street waste quickly becomes a public safety hazard, contributes to urban decay, and pollutes the environment.


Adopt-A-Block (AAB) encourages investment and involvement in the Isla Vista community by providing simple ways for volunteers to make a significant impact on the Isla Vista environment through clean-ups, outreach, and education.


Our volunteers use trash grabbers and reusable buckets to remove most of the trash that becomes trapped under parked cars and against curbs before it obstructs drains and contaminates stormwater runoff that flows into local marine and terrestrial habitats.


Facilitated by the Isla Vista Recreation & Park District in downtown Isla Vista, Adopt-A-Block is generously funded by Goleta West Sanitary District. The program also receives funding for additional staffing and special projects from UCSB Associated Students Coastal Fund and Keep America Beautiful. Thanks to the support of our funders and the efforts of Adopt-A-Block volunteers, Isla Vista continues to be an environmentally friendly, safe, and beautiful community.

How do I volunteer?

Adopt-A-Block is on break for the summer. Contact cleaniv@ivparks.org for information on additional volunteer opportunities in the mean time. We will be returning closer to the start of the UCSB academic year.


Our standard operating hours are from 9:00AM to 5:00PM, Monday through Saturday. We are closed on Sundays, Holidays, and whenever it is raining.


Individuals and small groups are welcome to volunteer on a drop-in basis without making an appointment, any time during our operating hours, for up to two (2) hours per day.


For groups of more than 10 people, we ask that you make a reservation by emailing cleaniv@ivparks.org.

To protect against broken glass and other hazardous street litter, we require all our volunteers to wear closed-toed shoes. While not required, a reusable water bottle, sunscreen and/or clothing appropriate for current weather conditions are also highly encouraged.

Clean-up Stats

Last year, volunteers contributed over 5,800 hours to Adopt-A-Block and picked up 6,685 buckets of trash weighing nearly 53,500 poundsHere’s some ways to visualize the work our volunteers accomplished:


• If you spread 6,685 buckets of trash evenly over a football field, it would create a layer several inches thick across the entire field.


• An average mid-sized car weighs about 3,000 pounds. So, 53,500 pounds is roughly equivalent to 18 mid-sized cars.


• A typical dump truck has a capacity of around 270-378 cubic feet. Thus, 4,500 cubic feet would be the volume of about 12 to 17 dump truck loads.



Thank you to the following groups for committing volunteers on a regular basis throughout this last year!

AEPC, Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Alpha, Alpha Gamma Omega, Alpha Kappa Delta Phi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Phi Omega, Alpha Tau Omega, Antioch University, California State University Dominguez Hills Latino Student Business Association, Chi Delta Theta, Circle K International, Club Field Hockey, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Delta Tau Delta, Gamma Phi Beta, Gamma Zeta Alpha, IV Church, IV Surfrider, IVRPD Children’s Recreation Program, Jesus Burgers, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Sigma Gamma, Lambda Theta Nu, Leaders in Training (PAD), Liberty Tattoo Removal Program, Mu Delta, Phi Alpha Delta, Phi Alpha Theta, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Sigma Pi, Phi Sigma Rho, Pi Alpha Phi, Pi Beta Phi, Planeteers, San Diego State University Hispanic Business Student Association, Santa Barbara City College, Santa Barbara United Cerebral Palsy Work, Inc., Sigma Alpha Beta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Pi, Sigma Alpha Zeta, Sigma Chi, Sigma Kappa Chi, Sigma Lambda Beta, Sigma Lambda Gamma, Sigma Nu, Sigma Omega Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Theta Alpha Phi, Theta Nu Kappa, Theta Tau, Tropicana Gardens, UCSB Adventure Programs, UCSB A.S. Community Affairs Board, UCSB A.S. Environmental Affairs Board, UCSB Dance, UCSB Engineering Honors Program, UCSB Latino Student Business Association, UCSB Letters & Science Honors Program, UCSB Pre-Pharmacy Student Association, UCSB Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, UCSB Faculty, Zeta Phi Beta, and Zeta Psi.

Our Sponsors

Goleta West Sanitary District Logo
Coastal Fund - UC Santa Barbara Associated Students Logo

Goleta West Sanitary District, for their continued funding and unwavering support of Adopt-A-Block, since the program was established in 1996.

UCSB Associated Students Coastal Fund, for funding our Adopt-A-Block Assistant internship position and co-sponsoring our annual Halloween & Deltopia clean-ups.

Sponsorships & Donations

Adopt-A-Block is able to provide incentives and recognition to our volunteers due to generous donations from local businesses. Businesses can support specific events or provide ongoing rewards for our volunteers.

To become an Adopt-A-Block Sponsor, please contact cleaniv@ivparks.org.


No. Street litter often contains sharp objects, including broken glass. In the interest of keeping our volunteers safe, we require all participants to wear closed-toed shoes. Volunteers wearing sandals will be asked to go home and switch shoes before being allowed to sign-in.

Please dress appropriately for current weather conditions. Sunscreen and a reusable water bottle are also highly encouraged; there is a water dispenser at our office for you to fill up your bottle. We will provide you with all clean-up materials and equipment, including gloves, safety vests, trash grabbers, and buckets.

Generally, No! Individuals and small groups (10 or fewer people) are encouraged to participate on a drop-in basis any time during our operating hours. For larger groups, please email  to make a reservation.

Each volunteer can work up to a maximum of two (2) hours per day.

Yes, absolutely! Many of our volunteers need their hours verified for Greek Life, UCSB Honors Program, and various clubs and organizations. We are happy to sign off on your volunteer hours after your clean-up. Please make sure to bring any paperwork provided by your organization, or use the following links to print an individual or group verification form.


Adopt-A-Block is funded primarily to address street litter in Isla Vista, though we sometimes send groups down to the beach if the streets have already been cleaned. Please remember that street litter will eventually end up on the beach if it isn’t cleaned up, so by helping us pick it up you are directly helping to keep Isla Vista’s beaches clean!

Adopt-A-Block offers a Community Service Work Program that provides opportunities for individuals to complete court or probation ordered community service. For more information or to inquire about completing assigned hours through AAB, please email .

No. As much as we love animals, letting them tag along on a clean-up poses a safety risk to both you and your pet so we ask that you leave them at home while volunteering. Thank you for understanding.


For all general inquiries not covered by our FAQ above, or to schedule a reservation, please contact our email at:


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