Board of Directors

The District is governed by a 5-member Board of Directors. The Board helps to determine district policy, guides priorities and supervises the annual budget. Members, elected by the Isla Vista voters, must live within the District. Public elections are held every two years and Directors serve four year terms. Terms are staggered to ensure continuity.

Public members are encouraged to attend Board meetings and express ideas and concerns regarding Isla Vista parks. Agendas and staff reports are posted to the District website and also posted to the District bulletin board at the corner of Seville and Embarcadero Del Mar in Isla Vista, CA.

Pegeen Soutar, Chairperson
4-year term expires Dec 2024

Thea Neushul
4-year term expires Dec 2026

Brendan Hutchinson
4-year term expires Dec 2026

Kim DuFore, Vice-Chairperson
4-year term expires Dec 2024

Ash Valenti
4-year term expires Dec 2024

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