by Hadeel Eljarrari, Noozhawk Contributing Writer February 21, 2025 | 9:47 am

Attendees said they were “moved” and “grateful” for the fourth annual Forward Ever, Backward Never event at the Isla Vista Community Center on Wednesday. More than a celebration of Black History Month, the festivities highlighted resilience, solidarity, and the power of community.
“Looking at the population at UCSB, there’s not a lot of Black students and there’s not a lot of POC students in general but these communities are still important. Events like this matter even more,” says Jaz’myne Gates, Development Coordinator of UCSB’s Black Student Union chapter and organizer of Wednesday’s celebration.

Julianna Swilley, coordinator at the UCSB Office of Black Student Development, kicked off the night with a Chumash land acknowledgement, followed by a powerful performance of the Black National Anthem by Sade Champagne.
Reggae performances by The Rahkas, mini shops set up by small business vendors, spoken word poetry, and catered soul food brought the community center to life through culture.
Forward Ever, Backward Never closed with dances by Grupo Tolteka Izkalotl, an indigenous dance group showcasing cultural movements, sounds, and traditions.

By the end of the night, the dance group had the audience up on their feet in an interactive dance, honoring Mother Earth and the elements.
After the closing performances, audience members were invited to describe how they felt in one word: they shared that they felt “moved,” “grateful,, “abundant,” and “happy”.
Gates says the presence of Grupo Tolteka Izkalotl at the Community Center was an act of unity.