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Whether you want to plan a barbeque for your friends, a graduation celebration with your family, or a big concert, there’s no better place to hold these events than in one of Isla Vista’s beautiful parks!

While renting a park is relatively easy, there are still things you should know before you get started. This guide is meant to address frequently asked questions and is by no means inclusive of all the District’s policies. For a complete list of District policies, please refer to the Park Rental Application packet. This packet outlines the rules and regulations and also includes the contract you will need to sign in order to secure the park. All park rentals and reservations are not finalized and your reservation is not secured until all fees have been paid and a contract has been executed with the District.

If you have specific questions or are ready to rent to a park, please make an appointment by contacting ivrpd@ivparks.org

PDF Information Packet

Please ensure that you have read and fully understand the PDF documents below before completing your application. After completing your PDF application, please email to ivrpd@ivparks.org for processing by the District.

Park Rental FAQs

In order to hold an event in a District park, public members MUST:

  1. Make an appointment with Nicholas A. Norman by calling 805-350-8751 or emailing nnorman@ivparks.org.
  2. Fill out the digital application or bring a printed copy to the District with payment.

Completed permit applications, including receipt of deposit and all fees, must be received by the District: two (2) weeks prior to the event for large events (over 50 people) and two (2) working days prior to the event for small events (1-49 people).

Many park events need Additional Insurance. The following groups and activities are required to provide the District with a Certificate of Insurance naming the District as the “insured”, or “additionally insured” for the day of the event. Coverage must include accident and comprehensive public liability in the amount of $1,000,000:

  1. Park Renters which represent businesses, nonprofits, educational or government organizations
  2. Groups of 50 people or larger who have obtained an alcohol permit
  3. Any group or event with an estimated attendance of 200 or more people
  4. Any Park Renter who brings in or uses more than the existing amenities (i.e. rental tables, chairs, stages, sound systems, etc.)
  5. Any event that requires use of the stage at Anisq’Oyo’ Park
  6. All bouncer toys and other play equipment and services brought into the park (If the equipment or service is rented, the certificate is generally supplied by the rental company).

What Needs To Be Included With the Certificate of Insurance?

Yes. An alcohol permit can be purchased from the District for $25-$40 when you are
renting the park for an event. Please keep in mind that an alcohol permit must be approved two weeks prior to your event and is a BYOB permit only—not a license to distribute. This means that attendees at your event may possess and consume alcohol, but that at no time can alcohol be sold or given out.

The designated individual of an event with an alcohol permit must be 21 years old and is responsible for making sure that no one under 21 is consuming alcohol at the event. Furthermore, the Designated Individual may not become inebriated at any point of the event and is responsible for contacting Foot Patrol should a problem arise. Foot patrol can be reached at (805) 681-4179 or call 911 in the event of an emergency.

No. An alcohol permit must be approved two weeks prior to your event and is a BYOB permit only. This means that attendees at your event may possess and consume alcohol, but that at no time can alcohol be sold or given out.

Yes. (No amplified sound may be used without prior approval from IVRPD)
Anisq’Oyo’ and Tierra de Fortuna parks have access to electricity with a $15 fee when you rent the park. At any other park you may have sound at a permitted event if you provide your own generator. Please keep in mind that The District’s Noise Ordinance limits the level of amplified sound to 90 DBA at the boundaries of the park. Certain events may be subjected to a limit of 85 DBA. The Park District will provide park users with a sound meter to monitor the sound during an event. Failure to return the sound meter may result in a partial forfeiture of your deposit. Please note: a violation of the noise ordinance may also result in a forfeiture of your deposit.

Yes. All bouncer toys brought into the park for public use require a certificate naming the District as additional insured. This certificate must be received by the District no later than 7 days prior to the event or the equipment will not be allowed in the park. Also, please remind the company to bring the required generator for the bouncer as our outlets cannot support the power needed to run it.

Yes. Children’s park is the only District property with a District-provided barbeque pit. For a barbeque in any other park, the park user must obtain a $10 barbeque permit from the Park District in conjunction with the Park Use permit, no later than 7 days prior to the event.
To obtain a Barbeque Permit, the Park User must make an advance appointment to have the BBQ inspected by District staff and receive an orientation regarding safe use and placement of the pit. The Park User must provide one active fire extinguisher for each BBQ placed within the park.

No. In order to insure the continued beauty of our lawns and other park features, and to ensure the health and safety of all park users, we do not allow slip and slides in District parks.

No. No one may charge admission to an event held in a park, nor put up barriers to limit public access. If this is something you are considering, be advised that you must obtain Board approval to do so.

Vendors at your event may collect fees for their goods and services. The designated individual is responsible for ensuring that all vendors have the proper health permits.

Yes. For any event which provides food to members of the public, you must first file for a Health Permit through the County of Santa Barbara Environmental Health Department. A copy of the permit must be filed with the District no later than 5 days prior to the event. For more information on obtaining a health permit, you may also contact County Environmental Health at (805) 681-4916.

Food preparation requiring the use of fire may only be done on District barbeque pits. If you are using a barbeque pit other than the one in the park, please be aware that you will need to acquire a Barbeque permit for $10 before your event.

Yes. If you have approval of the general manager and have secured park rental permits for those days, your event may last for more than one day.

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